Another larger period property of Sale, the solid wall construction was failing and the property was riddled with damp and water ingress. The proposed extension and building works needed to address these issues. It was decided that the entire outrigger was going to be re-built as part of the extension works, in blockwork and rendered. With the addition of a sloped window head to match the roof pitch above, the rear of the property is distinctively modern, clean and crisp. Internal remodelling creates an open plan kitchen / Dining space, split level from the family living area. On the first floor of the out-rigger is the main family bathroom and the master bed en-suite to the rear with ‘the window’ and having the ceilings vaulted up to the rafters creating a really dramatic space to what would be otherwise an relatively modest couple of bathrooms. The roof space was also converted with provide a 4th bedroom with en-sute and plenty of storage space.